Weh.. What to write hah??? Hmmm.. Kena balik M'sia, baru boleh tulis kot.. Hehe.. That will be the first subtopic of my literature review (LR). Luckily, I bring with me some of the old manuscripts of PM fishes.. I can use them to write my LR. Well.. My LR does not progress much since last 2 weeks!! Huhu.. Help! Help..!! Help...!!!
Hmmm... I need a break.. May be a holiday will be nice.. Hehe.. Huh..!! Not even in a dream.. My 4000 words LR MUST be ready by next week.. Argh.. Die! Die..!! Die...!!! How maaa??? It is compulsory for the first committee meeting.. Adui la..
Err.. Better start cracking my head la kan.. Hehe.. Wish me luck.. ;-)
A new species of Parabuthus from Somalia
5 days ago
aik..nak tunggu balik msia baru nak tulis..JANGAN..baik ko tulis now. Nanti balik msia banyak agenda lain..nak bergebang dgn ikan lah, dgn kawan lah..
hehehe..aku saje je sakat..but seriously baik ko tulis masa kat situ..Gud luck
Thanks Jem... Aku dok tgh menulih nih.. Dah dekat 3500 words dah.. Baru 3 subtopics.. Ada lagi 4 subtopics.. Huhu..
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