I really don't know what it's all about but I wanted to do something with all the data I'd gathered for years of expeditions all over (sort of..) Peninsular Malaysia collecting and identify fish inhabiting the headwater ecosystems. All I got is the presence/absence data; on some cases abundance data as well which I really did not analyse enough to show ... Show what?? I don't know.. There must be something.. Well.. I know there must be a limit to 'how many species of fish utilise headwater ecosystem?' How many species all together, live in high oxygenated, fash flowing, clear streams in Peninsular Malaysia exactly? How to do that? How to determine that?
Well.. I know.. Now.. I guess.. In a few month to comes, I'm pretty sure I'll get the answer for this. Currently, I'm playing aroung with my data.. Believe me, something interesting will come out, soon..
So, fishes of headwater streams.., soon I can say how many of them really there..
"..Hai buaya-buaya semua.. Raja Sulaiman akan mengadakan kenduri.. Beta telah menitahkan supaya aku menghitung kepalamu.. Bersusunlah kamu, kepala bertemu kepala, hingga ke seberang sana, supaya aku boleh menghitung kamu.." kata Sang Kancil yang bijaksana.
Oh.. I hope "sang Kancil" will be proud of me..
A new species of Parabuthus from Somalia
5 days ago